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Signs of a Stalker: Are You Being Followed? The idea of “stalking” someone in this age of 2. We’ve all heard someone say, “I Facebook stalked him!” or “I didn’t mean to stalk you but I saw your post about your trip to Vegas…” But the truth is, true stalkers can make your life a living hell; stalking is scary, it’s dangerous and in many cases, illegal. If you’re reading this and asking yourself, “Am I being stalked?” or if you have recently wondered, “How do I know if I’m being stalked?” it’s important to make your safety your first priority. Contact the police or other law enforcement if you have immediate concerns about your personal safety. It’s important to know what to do if you have a stalker. Here are some stalker statistics, tips on how to identify signs of a stalker and how to deal with the threat.

Startling Statistics About Stalkers in the U. S. 6. 6 million people were stalked in one year in the United States.

Men are stalked, too: Although 7. Watch The Reef 2: High Tide Tube Free more. Stalking tends to happen among young people: Persons aged 1. Most people know their stalker intimately: 6. Stalking doesn’t discriminate: Among women who reported having been stalked during their lifetime, 3. Hispanic women, 2. American Indian or Alaska Native women, 2. Hispanic women, 1.

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Hispanic women and 1. Hispanic women. 1 in 4 victims report being stalked through some form of technology such as e- mail or text message. GPS), and 8% report being monitored through video or digital cameras, or listening devices. What is Stalking? According to the National Center for Victims of Crime.

Stalking is a complex crime that is often misunderstood and underreported. Although the first stalking law was not passed until 1. District of Columbia currently have stalking laws. The statutes vary widely, however, and lack a common definition of stalking. Unlike other crimes that are defined as an incident, stalking is a course of conduct that may comprise individual acts that may in isolation, seem benign or noncriminal.

Knowledge about stalking has developed significantly, and research continues to yield important insights about the crime. What Does A Stalker Do? You can be stalked and not even know it, or it can be glaringly obvious. Stalking is usually defined as a persistent pattern of unwanted behavior committed by another person that makes you feel uncomfortable, threatened or afraid for your or your family’s safety.

Stalking often escalates in frequency and severity over time. Common Forms of Stalking Behavior. Following you or showing up wherever you are. They may or may not make contact with you, but it doesn’t matter.

Watching someone repeatedly is a form of harassment. Sending persistent, unwanted gifts, letters, notes, e- mails, texts or messages via social media. Damaging your home, car, or other property. Monitoring your phone, computer use or social media accounts to learn about you, your family, your personal life and your whereabouts. Using technology, like hidden cameras or global positioning systems (GPS), to track where you go. Driving by or hanging out at your home, school, or work.

Threatening you, your family, friends, or pets. They may also threaten to reveal information (true or not) that could damage your reputation or relationships. Seeking information about you via public records, online search services, private investigators, or by going through your garbage, personal property. They may also contact your friends, family, neighbors, or co- workers to gain access or information about you.

Posting personal information or spreading harmful rumors about you. Creating or manipulating situations in order to have contact with you, such as applying for a job where you work or calling you with a personal emergency to make you feel guilty or sorry for them.

How to Identify Signs of a Stalker. Studies show that 7. In fact, many stalkers may have no romantic interest in the victim, rather they see them as a possession to be owned or controlled. It is important to remember that being stalked is not your fault. Whether or not you know the stalker, whether or not you’ve had contact with them or have asked them to stop, no one has the right to invade your privacy or to make you feel uncomfortable or scared. Stalkers are persistent and lack normal boundaries. Even when you make your boundaries clear, such as requesting they leave you alone, they don’t (or they do for a while and then reappear.)If you have asked someone to stop their unwanted behavior, such as communicating with you, and they persist regardless of your clear and repeated requests, you may have a stalker.

How to Deal with a Stalker. Unfortunately, stalking can be difficult to prove for a number of reasons; stalking can start out subtly, individual incidents may seem harmless or even innocent until they escalate, and there may not be any “hard evidence.” However, if you feel you are being stalked, threatened or harassed in any way, you should not suffer in silence. Here’s what you can do: Send a Clear Message. If you do have contact with your stalker and feelsafe doing so, tell him or her in no uncertain terms to leave you alone, now. You don’t have to scream or threaten them, but nor do you need to be overly polite. You’re not asking, you’re telling. Watch Wife Vs. Secretary Hindi Full Movie on this page. Be clear, be firm, and be brief.

Don’t allow them to engage you in a drawn out conversation, as this is what they may want. Safety tip: Never confront a stalker alone. If you can, have a witness present when you tell him or her to leave you alone. Be smart and safe; you may not be dealing with a rational person. Document Everything. No matter how small or isolated an incident may seem, document what happened including the date and place.

Take photos, video and save evidence such as notes or emails. If you have witnesses, great. Stalking can be difficult to prove and many times, there is little the police can do to help without some proof. The more evidence you have, the easier it will be to have the person arrested, charged or to obtain a restraining order against them. But don’t wait for the situation to escalate.

Contact the police any time you feel uncomfortable or afraid based on someone else’s actions toward you or your family. Install a Home Security System. A good way to be preventative and protect yourself from potential stalkers in and around your home is to install an alarm system. Choose a dedicated wireless system so that even if your phone or broadband lines are cut, the system is still active. Home security systems can be installed quickly. Once you have one, use it consistently. Watch Doctor Zhivago Online (2017) there. Make sure it’s activated even when you’re home.

Visit our home security systems reviews to learn more. Also, many home security companies offer key fobs with panic buttons. If you feel you are at risk, you and your children should each have one with you at all times so that you can alert your home security provider if there are any problems. Look Out For Your Children.

Whether or not an individual has made any direct threats to your family, if you’re being harassed, you should step up security around your children. Alert your child’s school of the situation. Don’t be embarrassed, this is a matter of safety not just for your child but others as well.

Make sure your child’s school and any caretakers have a list of who is and who is not allowed to contact or pick up your child from school. If possible, provide the school with photos and a vehicle description of anyone you don’t want near your kids.