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COMYear: 1. 98. 7Genres: Comedy,Drama,Musical. Countries: Belgium,France,Zaire. Votes: 8. 5Rating: 5. Cast: Ayila Tumba; Engongo Alamba; Kallй Pйpй; Kasongo Kanko; Matshia Landu Nzunzimbu; Ngimbi Bwanando; Nono Maоtre; Riva Kalimazi Lombume; Wemba Papa; Feza Lokinda Menji; Inabanza Mujinga Mbuji; Krubwa Bibi; Mukoko Mazaza; Belmont Vйra; Kabasele Munga K.; Lamy Benoоt; Ngangura Mweze; Leуn Garcнa Maryse; Baudour Michel; Klody; Langa Langa Zaпko; Muana Tshala; Branca- Martiquet Anne- Marie; Giordano Martine; Bonbon; Delori Mikekele; Lejeune d’A. F.; Roulet Hйlйna; Samba Turbo; Tembesa M.; Van Holme Sylvain. Taglines: Storyline: Kourou comes from a village to Kinshasa, Zaire’s capital and the center of World Beat; music is in his heart and he has big dreams.

Right away he gets a job as a domestic for Mamou, the loud wife of a club owner, and he falls in love with Kabibi, a virginal young woman who wants to be a secretary. Meanwhile, Nvouandou, the club owner, childless after twenty years of marriage, wants a second wife and determines to marry Kabibi.
Mamou pretends to approve of the match, but behind her husband’s back, she pushes Kabibi into the arms of Kourou. Can Kourou win Kabibi’s hand and fulfill his dreams of being a singer; can Mamou recapture the affections of Nvouandou?
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Kourou, a young villager, decides to conquer Kinshasa, the capital. But it is easier said than done. In the big city, Kourou finds nothing but odd jobs and throws his life away with prostitutes. One day he is even fired for stealing. The situation seems hopeless but the worm turns the moment when, after entering a bar, Kourou takes a mike in his hands and starts singing.