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How to Protest Your Property Taxes and Win. Victory: Send the Tax Man Crying.
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Jimmy Buffet’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise” and it’s still stuck in your head. You loathe “Cheeseburger in Paradise”. There was no time to eat and your dog ran out the door. Nothing could get worse. But wait, there’s more…Today is the day you go to battle.
Like a true warrior you’ve studied your enemy, you’ve intercepted their intelligence and you’ve planned an offensive that would make even Geronimo tremble in his loin cloth. Today is the day you take a stand.“Enough is enough!” you say. It’s just you against them. Today, the appraisal district must go down. All around you sits an endless sea of disgruntled allies waiting for their own opportunity on the battlefield.
You can hear their war cries, spiked with anger yet underscored with doubt and fear. If they think my house is worth this much I’ll sell it to ‘em today”, exclaims your left flank. You realize these amateurs have no chance. They’ve lost the fight and they haven’t even seen the enemy. But not you. Minus the grumbling stomach and the less than ideal drumbeat in your head you are nearly invincible.
You’re mentally prepared, calm and focused. You’re evidence is in hand and you’re ready to go.
Good thing, because your name just got called. It’s showtime! The purpose of this article is to give you some perspective on a proper approach to a successful protest.
Too many property owners have no plan. Why We Fight. Protesting your property value is like Joan Rivers’ plastic surgery; it needs to be maintained every year whether it moves up or down.
While you may never save a fortune in any given year with a successful protest, you should always protest your property’s value. With a yearly effort you could end up saving several hundred to several thousand dollars in property taxes over time. It’s just a hunch, but I’ll bet you could find a more effective use for your money than giving it to a highly inefficient, often misguided institution such as the government.
Protesting Your Property Taxes by Trent Yeo. As a former property tax consultant handling more than 5,000 protests, I can’t stress this enough.
Most Common Misconceptions. First and foremost, understand that when you are negotiating with an appraiser at the appraisal district, you are protesting your property value, not your property taxes. If your strategy for winning your protest is to give the appraiser a sob story about how your ever increasing taxes are a huge burden, your story will fall upon deaf ears. The appraisal district has absolutely no control over your taxes; they simply determine property values. As a former property tax consultant who’s handled more than 5,0.
I can’t stress to you enough the ineffectiveness of that argument. Don’t do it. Another common misconception I’d like to share is that protesting your property value will not hurt your resale value. Penthouse North Full Movie.
I actually witnessed a property owner protest on the basis that his property value was too low!! He wanted the appraiser to raise the value so that he could sell his house at a higher price. Ridiculous. Although we are all guilty of referring to the appraisal district’s value as the “appraised value”, the truth is that it is not a true appraisal at all, but is instead what’s referred to as the “tax assessed” value. In most cases, no appraiser will physically visit your property to assess the value. The counties simply do not have the manpower to cover the entire county on a yearly basis.
Harris County, for instance, has approximately 1. It simply can’t be done. Do not consider your tax assessed value to be indicative of your true market value.
As investors, do not purchase or even evaluate a property based on the tax assessed value. Here’s a good one: Your five year old purchase price is no longer valid! Each year stands on its own and the current comparable sales can and will affect your value. Finally, the appraisal district will not retaliate if you protest! Fargo Online Putlocker.
It is your right to protest by law, and again, they simply do not have the manpower to pick on everyone who protests each year. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.
Preparing for your hearing is most crucial. The following ideas are some that I followed for every property I represented.
As a property owner representing yourself you can greatly increase your chances of getting a value reduction if you apply the methods I’m listing here. Appraisers will actually appreciate your due diligence. The deadline to file your protest for the 2. June 1st. When filing your protest, you want to fill out that you are protesting based on market value as well as “unequal appraisal”. Request the House Bill 2. Evidence packet. This is the most important step you can take towards ensuring a successful protest. The HB contains all of the information which the appraisal district used to arrive at your property value.
The information within this packet is also your main source for ammunition in getting your value reduced. For Harris County property owners, this packet will be made available online 1. Call the appraisal district for instructions on how to access it. Pictures are worth a thousand words – Take pictures of any disrepair on your property and of any “negative influences” surrounding your property. Qualified negative influences could be busy streets, water tower looming over your house, sewer plant nearby, commercial property bordering your residential, etc. Your noisy neighbor’s junked out car and overgrown grass probably will not qualify! Google Earth is a wonderful thing.
I would recommend printing a satellite view of your property and the surrounding area. Probably 8. 5% of the time you can find something negative to talk about on the image! It could be anything.
Get creative and add support to the rest of your presentation. MLS Sales – If you have a Realtor who is willing to help you with your evidence gathering, you may want to have them print some of the SOLD properties you find in the House Bill neighborhood sales page. Often times you will see that the appraisal district’s evidence will suggest that a house built in 1. This “never remodeled” house is jacking up your value. However, you may be able to find the property on MLS and see that the pictures and agent’s description suggest the exact opposite! It sold for a higher price because it actually had a complete remodel just two years ago and yours actually is in original condition. Therefore, your value should be adjusted downward from that sale.
If you see that the district’s evidence is not up to date on a house in an older neighborhood, check the Neighborhood Profile page (HCAD) and see what date is listed as the last time someone physically visited your property. I’ve seen some where no appraiser had been to the property in 1. This is an excellent way to weaken the credibility of the appraiser’s opinion of value in a board hearing. Have an opinion of value ready when you meet with the appraiser and then support that value with the evidence you have prepared. Saying you want a lower value without knowing what that lower value should even be suggests to the appraiser that you have no idea of what you are doing and you are likely to go on and on begging like a child until you get a reduction. Appraisers respect property owners with opinions of value. The shorter the story, the better.
Appraisers may sit with 2. Dagon Full Movie Online Free. They hate protest season and they hate people in general by the second week. Limit your stories and stick with the evidence.