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  • 3.7/10
  • Cast: Kane Hodder/Juan Riedinger/Al Snow
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    Haunted Tunnels With Really Creepy Backstories. Watch the video on You. Tube: 1. 0 Haunted Tunnels With Really Creepy Backstories. Old, dark places are prime candidates for ghostly tales.

    Tunnels add a touch of claustrophobia to the mix. Humans have been digging through things for a long time, so the world isn’t short of tunnels with more history than lighting. Whether people were crushed building them or run over by trains, many have lost their lives underground. Tunnels have taken their place in folklore, fascinating both ghost hunters and those of us with a general interest in the macabre.

    Watch A Haunting In Connecticut Online Mic

    The Screaming Tunnel The legend of The Screaming Tunnel in Niagara Falls begins with a young girl that met an unfortunate fate. There are a few versions of the story, but each one agrees that that she lived in a farmhouse on the south side of the tunnel. One night her house caught fire, and she fled the building with her clothes ablaze. She reach the tunnel before she fell to the ground, and that is where she perished. Other tales say she was set on fire deliberately by her raging father, or that she was raped and burnt in the tunnel to hide evidence.

    The legend says that if you stand in the center of the tunnel and light a match, the match will go out. You will then hear the screams of the dying girl. The tunnel’s a popular destination for ghost hunters, and you can take it in as part of a guided tour, if you wish. You. Tube hosts many videos of it, though none of them appear to have captured the actual scream. One video does have coyotes in the background, making high- pitched yelps, of the sort that might well sound like screams with a bit of echo. The Blue Ghost Tunnel No, the tunnel isn’t blue. The phantom that supposedly lived there is—and we only know about it thanks to a mistake.

    The Real Haunting In Connecticut

    A paranormal investigator was trying to find the Screaming Tunnel but got lost. He found himself at the much longer Merritton Tunnel, a rail tunnel in the nearby city of Thorold. There he claimed he saw a strange blue mist. The tunnel’s reputation soon surpassed its screamier cousin. The TV show Creepy Canada did a feature on it, prompting thousands of visitors a year.

    · That’s why I am so grateful to havebeen part of PopWatch in 2007. What to Watch This Weekend. may receive a percentage of sales for items. Find out how scary The Haunting in Connecticut really is! ScaredToWatch is the largest Horror Movie database: Find, rate and reviews your favorite Horror movies.

    It’s a popular choice in lists of Canada’s most haunted places, and some have called it the most haunted one of all. The ghosts here are said to belong to two rail engineers that died when the steam locomotives they were operating collided in 1. One of the men became mangled in the boiler and died at the scene.

    When rescuers tried to pull him free, his legs came off. The fireman of the other train fell into the flames and suffered burns on 9. He died hours later at a nearby hospital. As an added bonus for hauntitude, when the canal that runs above the tunnel was built, it flooded a nearby cemetery.

    The tunnel became so popular that authorities were forced to brick it up, and the tunnel may be structurally unsafe. Today, one of the paranormal groups that made it famous recommends avoiding it at night. You’re more likely to be threatened by a drunken youth than a dead rail worker (that’s true pretty much everywhere, to be fair). Watch Battle Recon HD 1080P on this page.

    Sensabaugh Tunnel If you want a haunted tunnel in North America but don’t like Canadians and their mapley ways, there are plenty of tunnels in the US. Watch Dhoom Online Forbes there. Sensabaugh Tunnel is was built in Tennessee in the 1. Edward Sensabaugh. Old Ed features prominently in the legends behind the place.

    Your opinion on Ed is likely to be very different depending on which version you hear. In the kinder version, Ed let a homeless man into his home as an act of charity. Their guest tried to steal jewelry, so Ed confronted him with a gun. The thief grabbed Ed’s baby daughter to use as a shield and ran out of the house. He got away and drowned the baby in the tunnel. Another version omits the homeless man, and paints Ed Sensabaugh as a madman that killed his entire family, baby included, and threw their bodies into the tunnel. However she died, that baby is said to haunt the tunnel today.

    Locals say that if you switch off your car engine in the middle of the tunnel, it won’t switch back on (dead babies love interfering with automotive electronics). You can also hear the baby’s cry and the approaching footsteps of Ed himself. An investigation by the Southern States Paranormal Research Society concluded that ghostly activity is sadly lacking, but they suggest an even more fascinating explanation for the tunnel’s reputation. Edward Sensabaugh lived into his old age, not dying until the 1.

    None of his children died as babies. By the time Ed grew old, vandals and hormonal teenagers had taken to using the tunnel for their respective fun.

    Ed wasn’t happy about that fact—if you had your own tunnel, you’d probably not want teenagers ruining it either. Ed’s weapon was an unusual talent for mimicking animal cries. He would hide at one end of the tunnel and fill it with an eerie shriek, scaring off anyone hiding inside. Victoria Park, Brisbane The indigenous ghosts of Australia are mostly venomous, and carry their young in a pouch (where they suck ectoplasm from a teat).

    Sadly, these native spirits have been replaced in many places by European settlers. One of these invaders is a floating nun, reported as being around 3. Brisbane’s Victoria Park. The most unusual part of this story is not the ghost, but the reaction of the local population.

    The ghost was first seen in 1. After four sightings in 1. Around 5,0. 00 people flocked to the area one night The crowds were so bad that police had to close a nearby road.

    At 1. 0pm, around 1,5. It didn’t. 6 Moonville Tunnel The town of Moonville, Ohio would probably be long forgotten if not for its rail tunnel. In fact, if the tunnel wasn’t there, the town might never have existed. The tunnel was built when a local landowner offered a shortcut to the rail company building a track toward Cincinnati. This allowed him to haul coal and clay, and a few small settlement sprung up for people to take advantage.

    Moonville was among them, and its population peaked at about 1. The railway around the tunnel seemed almost designed to be a deathtrap. It was thin, and it led out onto a trestle above a high canyon that was itself just wide enough to fit the rail tracks. Given that it was a significant shortcut compared to walking around the valley, at least five people died after being hit by trains, the most recent in 1.

    The line is no longer in use, except by an infamous phantom. There are a few stories of the ghost’s origins. In some versions he was simply a drunk who took the tunnel as a shortcut home. When he heard a train coming he waved his lantern at it, but it didn’t stop in time. One story says that during a hard winter the town was running desperately low on supplies. Trains were passing by but not stopping, so locals hatched a plan to get someone to stand in the tunnel and wave a lamp to stop the train.

    The person they chose fell asleep and ran into the tunnel too late. The train killed him. The lantern waving man is said to still be there, trying to flag down trains with his lantern.

    Some reports say that the rail company installed a signal at the mouth of the tunnel, and told drivers to ignore any lights they saw inside. The story has inspired songs, and there’s even a novel about the story of a conductor that met an unfortunate fate there. Watch Cedar Rapids Tube Free. Gold Camp Road Tunnels Gold Camp Road is a winding route through the wilderness of central Colorado.

    The 5. 6 kilometer (3. A local legend says that a school bus full of children was travelling the road in 1. Today, you can hear the giggles of children in the first two tunnels, but if you stand close to the entrance of the third you hear screams. When you pass through the third tunnel in your car, you will leave with mysterious handprints on your windows. People have even put videos of it happening online, with a “totally LEGIT” disclaimer. Unfortunately, it’s not true. Or rather fortunately, because that means a bunch of children didn’t get killed.