Watch Broken Flowers Online Mic

Laundry School Class Of '1. Is Now In Session. It’s back- to- school time, Clean Person- style! Before I get into the show notes for this year’s Laundry School kick- off, I want to let you know that there are listener updates from Ep. Ep. 84 at the end of the episode, one of which may be difficult for many of you to hear. If you would prefer to skip over that part, either because hearing a sad story won’t be appropriate for you, or because listening to me cry is going to make you want to punch a hole in the wall, the timecode for that section starts at the 2. I really wish I could have not cried on mic, but I did, because I’m A Cryer.

It’s back-to-school time, Clean Person-style! Click here to view this embed. Before I get into the show notes for this year’s Laundry School kick.

On the bright side, from now on we can refer to this as the Brian’s Song of the Cleancast like the sporting bros we are. Here’s what I covered in this, my 8. An overview of the 2. Laundry School curriculum; What to do about a smell in otherwise clean clothes that will just not go away; The best practices for using white vinegar to remove malodor from laundry; Tips and tricks for quickly breaking in clothes so they look and feel like you’ve owned them for years; What to do about mystery stains—when you don’t know where the stain came from, you don’t know what caused it—and how to think about the options you have for treating them. Here’s a link to that roundup of storm and flood cleanup tips I mentioned at the top of the episode. A Cleancast listener in Houston just emailed: Read more Read.

The latest news articles from Billboard Magazine, including reviews, business, pop, hip-hop, rock, dance, country and more.

Paul McKenna is the world's top hypnotist who has helped people stop smoking, lose weight and even become pregnant. But can he cure a broken heart? Yes, in ten. At a press conference on Sunday, angry citizens ran off Jason Kessler, the organizer of a disastrous rally for white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other members of the.

Watch Broken Flowers Online Mic

And here’s the link to the American Brain Tumor Association that Suzy asked that I share with you. Over in the bonus episode, I’ve got the MOST INCREDIBLE, LIKE ALL- CAPS INCREDIBLE, OH MAN SO INCREDIBLE THAT THE HULK HAS NOTHING ON IT, hockey cleaning story that a listener sent me. It’s, like, longform. Just .. you must go listen.

Watch Broken Flowers Online MicWatch Broken Flowers Online Mic

God bless, I love and appreciate you guys so much, you are better to me than I deserve. Now, please go give the filthiest hockey player in your life an extra big hug. You can subscribe to Ask a Clean Person: The Podcast in Acast, i. Tunes, Player. FM, Stitcher and all the other places you’d expect to find podcasts. For bonus episodes and all sorts of other cool rewards, head over to Patreon to help underwrite my show. Got Qs for the pod? Email Jolie with the subject line CLEANCAST.

Heart- broken man 'marries' dead pregnant girlfriend. A Taiwanese man has arranged a wedding ceremony between him and his girlfriend who was tragically killed during a road accident along with their unborn child. Tsai Shangzhen, 3.

Chen Yichi, who died in August at the age of 2. Taiwan media. Mr Tsai, a truck driver, told Taiwan- based Apple Daily that he wanted to keep his promise and give a long- dreamt wedding to Ms Chen, even if she had passed away.

Tsai Shangzhen, from Changhua, Taiwan, arranged a wedding ceremony between him and his late girlfriend on September 5 as he sent off his partner of five years. Ms Chen, a nurse, was said to be killed during a crash in late August as she rode her motorbike back home from work. She had dated Mr Tsai for five years and was five months pregnant when the accident occurred.  According to Apple Daily Taiwan, Ms Chen's funeral took place on September 6 in Changhua county, near Taichung city. In a TV interview after the emotional ceremony, Mr Tsai told a reporter that he and his girlfriend had planned to have their engagement ceremony soon.

Mr Tsai stated on his Facebook page that the couple had scheduled to have their ceremony next month. Footage of the ceremony has been televised by various media outlets in Taiwan, including CTV News and EBC. Watch The Hunt HD 1080P. Mr Tsai and his girlfriend had dated for five years and she was five months pregnant He put flowers, a bridal veil and a wedding ring on his late partner in front of friends and family. Friends and family weep as they bid farewell to Mr Tsai's girlfriend during the special ceremony.

According to the footage, Mr Tsai decorated the mourning hall in pink with heart- shaped balloons and pre- wedding photos of him and Ms Chen. Hue And Cry Full Movie Online Free more. Friends and families attended the ceremony with mixed feelings, stated the media. Mr Tsai put on a wedding ring onto Ms Chen's hand to complete the ceremony. Speaking in an interview with CTV News, Mr Tsai recalled the day of the fatal accident.'I called [her] a few times and she didn't pick up the phone. She had never been like this before. Then I ran out and found her crashed scooter.'The TV stations also released news footage of the car crash, which took place on August 2. The footage shows Ms Chen being put onto an ambulance by a stretcher.

One paramedic said: 'She has cracks on her skull and she lost her consciousness.' The pregnant woman died later on the day along with the unborn child. Mr Tsai said he considered the ceremony as a way to honour his dead girlfriend, whose pictures continue to appear on his social media page. Ms Chen's family were apparently moved by Mr Tsai's devotion. Ms Chen's sister told a reporter she was 'very touched' by the special ceremony.