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Notable Generals and Others. Historical facts about Generals, other distinguished soldiers (from privates on up), and civilians who made a difference. D-ATIS Digital - Automatic Terminal Information Service DA Decision Altitude/Decision Height DA Descent Advisor DA Direct Access DA/H Decision Altitude/Height. BSP Folder. This document is written to support the following EVMs: OMAP35x EVM; AM35x EVM; AM387x EVM; AM335x EVM; The BSP folders for these EVMs are as follows. The official website for the United States Coast Guard Atlantic Area. Here's a comprehensive list of aviation acronyms and airport acronyms. We hope this helps you navigate the complex world of aviation jargon! Please let us know if you. A true band of brothers, the Charlie Company was one of the last combat infantry companies in the Vietnam War to be drafted, trained and sent to battle together.