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How to Build a Free Energy Magnetic Motor. Many have tried building a free energy- producing magnetic motor. I am seeing a lot of in my daily quest through alternative energy news, but what I have learned is that energy is not free, perpetual motion machines do not exist, everything is taken from somewhere and put elsewhere. Free energy from magnets respects the same rule. There also is this so- called “free energy”, the zero- point energy, proven mathematically by many scientists.

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For centuries aspersions have been cast upon the Vedas; the primary holy scriptures of the Hindus of having unholy contents. If one really started believing in those. Free energy motors are fun once you get a good one work8ng, however no one has gotten rich off of selling them. The Twilight Saga: New Moon Online Putlocker. I’m a poor expert on free energy. Morrowind Patched Download from Dropbox No Mirror Available In the beginning, there was Morrowind, and it was a buggy, godawful mess. Btw Wing here’s d “A fistful of stances 鐵馬尋橋” by Kevin Cheng in full: A fistful of stances Watch, listen n dl Song in full:

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My duty as a green optimistic is to collect everything I see someone has struggled explaining and demonstrating, put it in one place and let the people see and comment. Such is the example of this magnetic motor. But there are also “green pessimistic” websites. When they see something out of “common sense” boundaries, they freak out and scream something like”omg, this can’t be real! I need no proof! I must not think of this!

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Perish, Satan!”I took such an article today as an inspiration because it talks about a magnetic motor, one of my favorite free energy topics, about which I haven’t heard much lately. Here is the whole process of transforming the free magnetic energy into mechanical energy, explained by the invention’s author (Sandeep Acharya): “Think of Two Powerful Magnets. One fixed plate over rotating disk with North side parallel to disk surface, and other on the rotating plate connected to small gear G1.

If the magnet over gear G1’s north side is parallel to that of which is over Rotating disk then they both will repel each other. Now the magnet over the left disk will try to rotate the disk below in (think) clock- wise direction.

Now there is another magnet at 3. Rotating Disk on both side of the magnet M1. Now the large gear G0 is connected directly to Rotating disk with a rod. So after repulsion if Rotating- Disk rotates it will rotate the gear G0 which is connected to gear G1. So the magnet over G1 rotate in the direction perpendicular to that of fixed- disk surface. Now the angle and teeth ratio of G0 and G1 is such that when the magnet M1 moves 3. M1 was, it will be repelled by the magnet of Fixed- disk as the magnet on Fixed- disk has moved 3.

G1. So if the first repulsion of Magnets M1 and M0 is powerful enough to make rotating- disk rotate 3. The space between two disk is just more than the width of magnets M0 and M1 and space needed for connecting gear G0 to rotating disk with a rod. Now I’ve not tested with actual objects.

When designing you may think of losses or may think that when rotating disk rotates 3. Watch Highlander: The Search For Vengeance Putlocker# on this page. M0 will be rotating clock- wise on the plate over G2 then it may start to repel M1 after it has rotated about 2. If all the objects are made precisely with measurements given and the rectangular cubic magnets are powerful enough to rotate more then 3. Here friction and other losses are neglected as magnets are much more powerful. But think of friction between rotating disk and Shaft, it can be neglected by using magnetic joint between them. On the left primary measurements of needed objects are given.

If you find any reason of not running this mechanism let me know.”It seems to me that this is basically the Perendev motor presented in the same- named category of our blog. Perendev was charged of scamming some people and even served for a while.

Still, maybe someday someone will be able to produce free energy by using magnet motors. What do you think?

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”In light of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of the organs and tissues of preborn babies, the Lepanto Institute interviewed former satanic High Wizard, Zachary King.  Zachary  was an average boy from an American neighborhood who grew up in a Baptist home. He began practicing magick at 1. Commandments by the time he was 1. From his teen years to adulthood he worked his way up to High Wizard in the coven and actively pushed satan’s agenda including ritualistic abortions.

Zachary is currently writing about his experiences in a new book titled, “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice.”L. I. – Zac, you’ve got quite the story to tell. Could you give us a little bit of background on how you fell into Satanism? King – It started with a strong curiosity, wondering if magick was real. This came after watching movies about sorcerers and wizards back in the 1. I grew up. We had a game at school called “Bloody Mary,” or “I Hate You, Bloody Mary,” where you’d go in a bathroom and chant that phrase a certain number of times with the lights off.

Every time my group did it, we always saw a demonic face in the mirror. We had no idea that this is what we were looking at, just that all of a sudden there was this scary thing in the mirror and everybody would run out of the bathroom, scared to death … except me. I always thought it was pretty cool. Now, in the same time- frame that I’m doing this, I played campaigns of Dungeons and Dragons every weekend, and I’m always the wizard or the sorcerer in that. Eventually, I wondered if I could do magick for real and tried a couple of spells for money. They both worked, but it could have been just a coincidence so I did it a third time, and the third time I did it, I cast the spell in front of the demon in the bathroom [from the “Bloody Mary” chant] and thought I’d up the ante a little bit to see what happens. I got $1,0. 00 bucks the next day.

From that, I was convinced that magick was real. When I was about 1. Dungeons and Dragons that also believed that magick was real.

It turned out that this group was a satanic coven. A lot of people ask me, ‘wouldn’t you run and hide at that point?’ I remind them that I grew up in the 7. TV are really scary, but … I love pinball machines, video games, and science fiction, like Star Trek and Star Wars, and these guys had almost every science fiction and fantasy movie you could ever want to see. They had pinball machines, an in- ground pool, a big barbeque pit, and it was just like a boys and girls club, and it was just a lot of fun. Let me put it this way, they knew how to recruit.

They knew everything that a kid would want to do, so I got involved with it that way. That was my first cult. I was in there until I was about 1. I joined the World Church of Satan, which is a much bigger, world- wide cult. The position that I attained is called a High Wizard. In a big satanic coven, they are the people who do the magick for the coven.

There could be as few as one, and as many as 1. The general number [of high wizards in a coven] is between 2 and 5, and our job was to travel around the world doing whatever spells people want you to do. Now, when I say people, I mean rock stars, movie stars, political figures, rich people … there’s no limit to who will want a spell and what they’re willing to pay for it. L. I.– So, you were a High Wizard within Satanism … just very briefly, how did you happen to become a High Wizard?

King – Rumor has it that [High Wizards] are hand- picked by satan. I don’t know what the criteria is.

I had done magick from the age of 1. High Wizard when I was about 2. I had been in the World Church of Satan for about 3 years. I had seen a High Wizard back when I was a child, but I didn’t know that that is what I was looking at. The look is very unique. It’s a top- hat, a wand or a cane, the face painted like a corpse, and an old- school tuxedo of sorts.

If you go to You. Tube, and look up Pink’s Like a Pill, there’s a High Wizard that appears in her video four times. The third and fourth time the wizard appears on the screen, you can see that he’s casting a spell. A lot of people seeing that video would see him, but not recognize what they’re looking at. But that’s the look. Now, satan picks you, and for a cult that big, there’s a CEO and a board of directors.

So, the CEO sends word to you, you meet with the CEO and the board of directors, and they tell you that you’ve been chosen. You’re given a book that tells you what your job duties as a high wizard are, and you decide whether you want to do it or not, though I’ve never known anybody to turn it down. L. I. – So, you were called before a high council of sorts, and they offered you the position, and you became a high wizardat that point?

King – Right, and I did that for about 1. L. I. – What role does abortion play in satanic rituals, and when did you first get involved in abortion with regard to Satanism? King – Just after I turned 1. I was going to be involved in an abortion in about 9 months. There was a sex party with all the male members between 1. When I was told this, I said “cool” out loud, but had no clue what an abortion was. In my family, I think I heard my parents whisper the word abortion once when talking about somebody else, so I thought it was a dirty word because they whispered it and I had never heard that word anywhere else.

When I asked about what an abortion was to the coven members, I said I don’t know what I have to do here, they explained that there’s a baby in the womb and you are going to kill it. There will be an abortion doctor there to help you and there will be a nurse because it’s a full medical procedure. My first question was, “is that legal?” The response was, “Yes it is, as long as it’s in the womb. As long as the baby is still inside the woman, you can kill it.”That’s how it was explained to us. It was also explained that, ‘You are killing a baby.” They didn’t say that we would be killing a fetus or killing some cells in a body. None of that. It’s a baby. Now, I don’t think I would have been okay with killing a baby outside of a woman’s body, but knowing that I could kill as much as I wanted to if someone was inside the body … in satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished.

As far as trying to get satan’s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal. L. I. – Tell me about the first abortion you ever did as a satanic ritual. King – The first one I did was about 3 months before turning 1. It took place in a farm house that was surprisingly more sterile than many of the other abortion clinics I had done abortions in.

There was an abortion doctor and an abortion nurse. There was a woman in stirrups about to have a baby who was surrounded by 1. I was inside the circle with the woman and the abortion doctor. All the adult members of my coven were there. There were several women kneeling on the floor, swaying back and forth chanting “our body and ourselves” over and over again. Off to the side were several male members of our coven all chanting and praying.

The ritual started at 1. My whole role in all of this was to insert the scalpel. I didn’t necessarily have to do the actual killing … what was important was that I get blood on my hands. So, I had to get somebody’s blood on my hands, whether the woman’s or the baby’s, and then the doctor finishes out the procedure. In that particular one, which was probably one of the more heinous abortions I had ever done, the doctor reached in, ripped the baby out and threw it onto the floor where these women were swaying. The women looked like they were possessed, and when the doctor threw the baby out to them, they cannibalized the baby. L. I. – Dear Lord!

How many ritual abortions have you participated in?