Watch Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III Streaming

Directed by Seth Green. Watch Half-Life Vioz. With Seth Green, Candace Bailey, Abraham Benrubi, Bob Bergen. The first of three Star Wars themed Robot Chicken parodies.

Man Arrested After Star Wars vs Star Trek Feud Became an Actual Fight. Star Wars versus Star Trek is a decades- long conflict that stretches across the galaxy, turning brother against brother, tearing lifelong friendships apart. In one case, it nearly turned lethal. Jerome Whyte, 2. 3, was arrested last week in Oklahoma after a heated debate about Star Wars and Star Trek turned into real assault. According to Oklahoma City police, Whyte and his friend were hanging out in an apartment when the pair started chatting about which series was better.

The friend, clearly flustered, told Whyte “You’re just a trick” before walking back to his room. Whyte then reportedly followed his friend back to his room and shoved him to the ground. After a quick back- and- forth between the two of them, Whyte wrapped his arm around the guy’s neck and started choking him. As the man was about to pass out, he pulled out a pocket knife, leading Whyte to let go. Whyte was arrested for assault and battery, as well as other unrelated charges.

  • It’s cake versus ice cream for Splatoon 2's first Splatfest and we’re streaming all the fun live on our Twitch channel. Come and join the mayhem!
  • Star Wars versus Star Trek is a decades-long conflict that stretches across the galaxy, turning brother against brother, tearing lifelong friendships apart. In one.
Watch Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III Streaming

Sadly, it’s not clear which series each side was in favor or, nor what form—original shows and films, reboots, or expanded universe for either of the series’ complex worlds—they preferred. In any case, at least a random stranger didn’t enter the apartment uninvited to argue for Stargate: Atlantis. That could’ve turned deadly. Update: Ars Technica reached out to Whyte’s friend, Bradley Burk, who clarified that he was defending Star Wars, while Whyte preferred Star Trek. He was saying Spock was the shit and I was saying Yoda was the shit,” he said.

In addition, the “trick” comment stemmed from the two of them playing a Batman game on Xbox, during which Whyte performed a particular trick and Burk wanted to know how he did it.[Fox 2.

Watch Postcards of Mid- Century Resorts Transform Into Their Abandoned Ruins. In idyllic places like the Catskills and the Poconos, the ‘5.

America. This was where newly suburban denizens went on vacation, flocking to lakeside resorts straight out of Dirty Dancing. But over the years, the people stopped coming, and the resorts closed. Now, their moss- covered ruins look like a tomb of the American dream. Photographer Pablo Maurer stumbled upon a few of these resorts while exploring the abandoned Penn Hills Resort.

Once a honeymooner’s destination, the so- called “Paradise of Pocono Pleasure” closed in 2. During his visit to the deserted resort, Maurer found an old matchbook adorned with an illustration of the Penn Hills pool at the height of its popularity. He looked at the illustration and then at the ruins of the pool and came up with the idea to photograph the current state of similar abandoned spaces that were once depicted in old postcards. For the next couple years, Maurer traveled around the Poconos and the Catskills, searching for resorts he’d seen in postcards bought at antique shops and on e.

Bay. His journey not only became a treasure hunt, seeking out the most dramatic ruin porn, but it also became a time- traveling adventure. Maurer went looking for the spaces where a vibrant dining room or fun- filled bowling alley once existed.

Instead, he found moss- covered caverns and graffiti- coated ruins.“The Catskills in particular are a truly stunning, beautiful place with this overarching melancholy that’s hard to put your finger on,” Maurer told Gizmodo. But like so many other formerly grand places, you see glimmers of hope and rebirth along with the blight.”That’s one way of putting it. By superimposing his photographs of the ruins onto the postcard images, however, Maurer does help highlight the grandeur that once existed at these resorts. You don’t need to imagine the lounge chairs by a now- empty and polluted pool. You can see them in the postcard, lined up next to bright blue water and a diving board. As one image dissolves into another, you can almost feel yourself transported back to the ‘6. Maurer explains that these resorts failed for various but sometimes related reasons.

Airfare became more affordable (allowing the general public to be a bit less local with their vacation time),” he said. Tastes changed, and many of them did not evolve with the times.”So they decayed. But there are still those glimmers of hope. Watch Online Watch Savage Grace Full Movie Online Film. Some resorts, like Grossinger’s and the Penn Hills Resort, have new owners who might decide to revive them. After all, the Catskills and the Poconos are becoming revitalized as young people rediscover the humble wonders near cities like New York and Philadelphia, places their parents might have gone or something they saw in a Patrick Swayze movie. There’s a chance the decrepit state of these once- fantastic places is only temporary. You can see more of Maurer’s photographs, coupled with the postcards that inspired them, over at DCist.

And you really should check them out. The time- traveling effect is mesmerizing, contemplative, and just plain neat.[DCist].