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Pete Townshend’s guitar history. of smashed guitars. A date/venue listing of known guitar destruction. A noisy cheer went up from the crowd of hackers clustered around the voting machine tucked into the back corner of a casino conference room—they’d just managed to. A female thug smashed a glass into a stranger's face before bragging about it to a friend on WhatsApp. Annaliese Morris, 31, launched a vicious attack on her female. Monitoring_string = "81f1107463d5e188739a27bccd18dab9"monitoring_string = "e515715cc11bfd2d7009dd73cfdbe162"monitoring_string = "630c2418a1cab4c8f99991b8657516a3.

Every Voting Machine at This Hacking Conference Got Totally Pwned. A noisy cheer went up from the crowd of hackers clustered around the voting machine tucked into the back corner of a casino conference room—they’d just managed to load Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” onto the Win. Vote, effectively rickrolling democracy. The hack was easy to execute. Two of the hackers working on the touchscreen voting machine, who identified only by their first names, Nick and Josh, had managed to install Windows Media Player on the machine and use it to play Astley’s classic- turned- trolling- track. The rickroll stunt was just one hack at the security conference DEF CON, which ran a three- day Voting Machine Hacking Village to test the security of various machines and networks used in US elections.
By the end of the weekend, every one of the roughly 3. Even though several of the exploits ended up paying tribute to Astley, they’re not jokes—they also present a serious lesson about the security vulnerabilities in voting machines that leave them open to tampering and manipulation. And the more vulnerable our voting infrastructure is shown to be, the less confidence voters may feel. The real takeaway is that you can install any software on this,” Nick told Gizmodo.
There’s no control.” Nick had simply connected a keyboard to an exposed USB port at the back of the Win. Vote, which was used in elections as recently as 2. The voting village is the brainchild of a who’s- who list of security experts: DEF CON founder Jeff Moss, cryptographer Matt Blaze, computer programmer Harri Hursti (whose hack of Diebold voting machines in 2.
Hursti Hack”), and others. Researchers have been uncovering problems with voting systems for more than a decade, but the 2. Now the entire country, and maybe the world, is paying attention. But poll workers and former campaign officials say that their primary security concerns still aren’t with voting machines themselves but with protecting voter registration systems and defending against basic phishing attacks like the ones used to gain entry to the Democratic National Committee’s network. Meet the machines“This is the great Satan,” said Joseph Lorenzo Hall, the chief technologist at the Center for Democracy & Technology, gesturing dismissively at the Win. Vote. The machine contains a cellular modem chip that allows its software to be updated remotely. Unfortunately, it also means that you can log into the damn thing from across the street if you know the right credentials,” Hall explained.
What’s hundreds of miles between networked friends?” The Win. Vote was the first machine to fall, with a hacker achieving remote code execution on the machine within the first hours of the village. Win. Votes were decertified by Virginia’s election board in 2. American voting systems are largely cobbled together with antiquated technology.
Voting machines can vary by state and county, and have to be certified by the Election Assistance Commission. But other devices, like the electronic poll books used in some jurisdictions to check in voters at their polling stations, aren’t subject to the certification process. Add in the voter registration databases themselves—which were reportedly breached in 3. The machines are mostly new to the hackers at DEF CON. They’re not very much fun, they’re like very boring ATMs,” Hall joked. It’s obvious that election systems aren’t very secure, but it’s important to understand why the security problems exist in the first place, and why they’re so hard to fix.
The security industry encourages regular software updates to patch bugs and keep machines as impenetrable as possible. But updating the machines used in voting systems isn’t as easy as installing a patch because the machines are subject to strict certification rules. Any major software update would require the state to redo its certification process. It costs over $1 million to get certified,” Joshua Franklin, a security specialist with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s cybersecurity and privacy application unit, explained to attendees. Franklin said that even though the Election Assistance Commission’s most recent election security standards were released in 2. The cost breaks down to about $3.
Tom Stanionis, an IT manager for a county election agency in California who attended the village in his personal capacity. Most states just don’t have the money. What’s hundreds of miles between networked friends?”“The reality is, we’ve known about issues with voting machines for a long time,” Stanionis told Gizmodo. Since purchasing brand new systems is out of the question, Stanionis said most states do their best to protect the systems they have, walling them off from the internet and storing them securely when they’re not being used. The rat king of decentralized state vendors and machines might actually be a good defense during a general election—it would force hackers to successfully target many disparate systems.
It would be really hard in most jurisdictions to do anything to affect the voting machines,” Stanionis said. Difficult doesn’t mean impossible, though, and that’s what DEF CON’s hackers have set out to prove.
If a hacker tucked away in a corner of a Las Vegas casino can alter a vote count, then surely a nation- state attacker can too. The thing you have to ask about any new technology is, compared with the technology that proceeded it, does this make that threat easier or harder? Does it make us better off or worse off?” Blaze told attendees. Does whatever the technology we’re using make this threat an easier threat or a tougher threat? That’s the question we haven’t really been sharply asking for very long.” Email security and beyond. Robby Mook, the former manager of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is at DEF CON for the first time, and you can kind of tell—he looks a bit too clean cut for a conference often filled with hoodie- wearing hackers. But he’s got experience being targeted by nation- state hackers that few other attendees can claim.
Although hackers were hard at work down the hall figuring out how to alter vote tallies, Mook said he was still mostly worried about getting campaign workers to secure their email accounts with two- factor authentication and stop retaining data for longer than necessary.“It’s much more a matter of culture and education than it is of spending enormous resources,” Mook told Gizmodo. People in the security community know a lot of things instinctually that a campaign professional has never had exposure to, ever.” “Public confidence in elections is what gives government legitimacy.”Mook, along with former Mitt Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Eric Rosenbach, launched an initiative at Harvard University earlier this summer focused on providing security resources to campaigns and election officials. The Defending Digital Democracy project received a founding investment from Facebook, and executives from the social network as well as Google and Crowd. Strike are helping establish an information sharing organization that will give political committees and campaigns quick access to threat intelligence.“If you pull aside any campaign manager and say, ‘Do you want to get hacked?’ they’d say no,” Mook told DEF CON attendees. If you asked them, ‘Have you done everything you can?’ they’d say, ‘No, but I don’t really know.’” Campaigns, along with voter registration databases, are softer targets for hackers—the events of the last year demonstrate that.
And as exciting as it is to tear a voting machine apart, the goal of securing elections might be reached faster through educating election officials about cybersecurity best practices. The voter registration databases are becoming a more obvious target,” Stanionis said. Altering the voter roll to show an incorrect polling location for just a few voters could drastically slow down the voting process for many, he explained.
UK riots 2. 01. 1: Britain's liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value. By. Melanie Phillips for the Daily Mail.
Updated. 0. 8: 3. GMT, 1. 1 August 2. So now the chickens have well and truly come home terrifyingly to roost. The violent anarchy that has taken hold of British cities is the all- too- predictable outcome of a three- decade liberal experiment which tore up virtually every basic social value. The married two- parent family, educational meritocracy, punishment of criminals, national identity, enforcement of the drugs laws and many more fundamental conventions were all smashed by a liberal intelligentsia hell- bent on a revolutionary transformation of society. Those of us who warned over the years that they were playing with fire were sneered at and smeared as Right- wing nutters who wanted to turn the clock back to some mythical golden age. Looters in Peckham.
The riots have been fuelled by moral collapse says Melanie Phillips. Now we can see what they have brought about in the unprecedented and horrific scenes of mob violence, with homes and businesses going up in flames, and epidemic looting. Poll. Should rioters have their benefits taken away from them? No. 12. 21. 16 votes. Yes. 10. 37. 86 votes. Clearly, there is some as yet unidentified direction and co- ordination behind the anarchy. But what is so notable and distressing is that, after the first day when adults were clearly involved, this mayhem has been carried out in the main by teenagers and children, some as young as eight.
The idea that they should not steal other people’s property, or beat up and rob passers- by, appears to be as weird and outlandish to them as the suggestion that they should fly to the moon. These youths feel absolutely entitled to go ‘on the rob’ and steal whatever they want. Indeed, they are incredulous that anyone should suggest they might pass up such an opportunity. What has been fuelling all this is not poverty, as has so predictably been claimed, but moral collapse. What we have been experiencing is a complete breakdown of civilised behaviour among children and young people straight out of William Golding’s seminal novel about childhood savagery, Lord Of The Flies. Trouble in Manchester last night. Melanie Phillips says youths feel absolutely entitled to go ‘on the rob’ and steal whatever they want.
There has been much bewildered talk about ‘feral’ children, and desperate calls upon their parents to keep them in at night and to ask them about any stolen goods they are bringing home. As if there were responsible parents in such homes! We are not merely up against feral children, but feral parents. Of course these parents know their children are out on the streets. Of course they see them staggering back with what they have looted.
But either they are too drunk or drugged or otherwise out of it to care, or else they are helping themselves to the proceeds, too. As David Cameron observed yesterday, there are clearly pockets of society that are not just broken, but sick. Melanie Phillips said every problem was instituted or exacerbated by the Labour government under Tony Blair. The causes of this sickness are many and complex.
But three things can be said with certainty: every one of them is the fault of the liberal intelligentsia; every one of them was instituted or exacerbated by the Labour government; and at the very heart of these problems lies the breakdown of the family. For most of these children come from lone- mother households. And the single most crucial factor behind all this mayhem is the willed removal of the most important thing that socialises children and turns them from feral savages into civilised citizens: a father who is a fully committed member of the family unit. Watch Equilibrium Online Flashx. Of course there are many lone parents who do a tremendous job. But we’re talking here about widespread social collapse. And there are whole areas of Britain, white as well as black, where committed fathers are a wholly unknown phenomenon. In such areas, successive generations are being brought up only by mothers, through whose houses pass transitory males by whom these women have yet more children — and who inevitably repeat the pattern of lone and dysfunctional parenting. The result is fatherless boys who are consumed by an existential rage and desperate emotional need, and who take out the damage done to them by lashing out from infancy at everyone around them.
Such children inhabit what is effectively a different world from the rest of society. It’s a world without any boundaries or rules. A world of emotional and physical chaos. A world where a child responds to the slightest setback or disagreement by resorting to violence. A world where the parent is unwilling or incapable of providing the loving and disciplined framework that a child needs in order to thrive.
Yet instead of lone parenthood being regarded as a tragedy for individuals, and a catastrophe for society, it has been redefined as a ‘right’.'The riots have been fuelled by moral collapse'When Labour came to power in 1. Instead, it introduced the sexual free- for- all of ‘lifestyle choice’; claimed that the idea of the male breadwinner was a sexist anachronism; and told girls that they could, and should, go it alone as mothers.
This was the outcome of the shattering defeat of Tony Blair, in the two years or so after he came to power, at the hands of the ultra- feminists and apostles of non- judgmentalism in his Cabinet and party who were determined, above all, to destroy the traditional nuclear family. Blair stood virtually alone against them, and lost. One of these ultra- feminist wreckers was Harriet Harman.
The other night, she was on TV preposterously suggesting that cuts in educational allowances or youth workers had something to do with young people torching and looting shops, robbing and leaving people for dead in the streets. But Harman was one of the principal forces in the Labour government behind the promotion of lone parenthood and the marginalisation of fathers.
If anyone should be blamed for bringing about the conditions which have led to these appalling scenes in our cities, it is surely Ms Harman. And this breaking of the family was further condoned, rewarded and encouraged by the Welfare State, which conceives of need solely in terms of absence of money, and which accordingly subsidises lone parenthood and the destructive behaviour that fatherlessness brings in its train. Under Labour criminal wrongdoing was excused on the basis that the criminal couldn't help himself says Melanie Phillips. Welfare dependency further created the entitlement culture that the looters so egregiously display. It taught them that the world owed them a living. It taught them that their actions had no consequences. And it taught them that the world revolved around themselves.'Punishment became a dirty word'The result of this toxic combination of welfare and non- judgmentalism was an explosion of elective lone parenthood and dysfunctional behaviour transmitted down through the generations at the very bottom of the social heap — creating, in effect, a class apart.
Phillips: If anyone should be blamed for bringing about the conditions which have led to these appalling scenes in our cities, it is surely Harriet Harman, pictured. Once, children would have been rescued from their disadvantaged backgrounds by schools which gave them not just an education but structure and purpose to their lives. But the liberal intelligentsia destroyed that escape route, too. For its onslaught upon marriage — the bedrock institution of society — with a tax system that penalises married couples with a wife who doesn’t work, was replicated by an onslaught upon the understanding and very identity of that society. Instead of transmitting knowledge to children, teaching was deemed to be an attack upon a child’s autonomy and self- esteem.