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Dawson's Creek (Series) - TV Tropes. The reigning Teen Drama of the late 9. Revolved around a bunch of teenagers who live in the small fictional town of Capeside, Massachusetts.
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Particular focus on lead character Dawson Leery (James Van der Beek) and his 'girl- from- the- wrong- side- of- the- creek' best friend Joey Potter (Katie Holmes)Its gimmick was to show teenagers as well- spoken individuals with vocabularies that would make Calvin dizzy, rather than resort to the usual TV teenspeak. Fans of the show praised its respectful portrayal of how teens talk and think. Others were less enthralled by the characters' habit of twisting every minor thing into a soliloquy on life's mysteries. Everybody can agree on one thing, though. No other works of man, past or present, can ever top the maudlin madness of Dawson's Creek.

The show inspired such passionate feelings that it indirectly spawned Television Without Pity (originally called "Dawson's Wrap"). Famous both for its actors being much older than their on- screen counterparts and the infamous Dawson/Joey will- they- won't- they storyline. Also a notable example of the fan preferred couple getting together in the end. Aborted Arc: The entire first half of Season 3 was disregarded,getting only a passing mention in the finale. Alpha Bitch: Subverted: Abby Morgan acts like a stereotypical Libby..
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Jen. Strangely enough she's briefly seen with a Girl Posse in "Be Careful What You Wish For" but later in the same episode Abby herself admits being an outcast and that no one likes her. A straight example was Nellie Oleson, but even she wasn't as bitchy as the typical example (she explicitly had nothing against Dawson) and disappeared after the first few episodes. Ambiguously Gay: Deputy Doug, played with until the end of the series. Ascended Extra: It's believed that Jack and Andie were not meant to last past the second season originally.
In later seasons, Audrey in Season 5, who was added to the opening credits the following season. Author Avatar: Dawson and Joey's initial friendship was based off the (platonic) relationship Kevin Williamson and a female friend had as children. Their personalities are derived from them in part as well. Back for the Finale: Andie, though the scenes were cut in the original broadcast. Better Than Sex: Audrey once says that the one thing she misses the most about having a boyfriend is snuggling, which is, in her view, better than sex.
Betty and Veronica: Dawson between Joey and Jen is the most straight example. Big Applesauce: Where Jen hails from.
Big, Screwed- Up Family: They're not that big, but the Mc. Phee family otherwise fit this perfectly. Book Dumb: Pacey. But Not Too Black: Nikki, aka Principal Green's daughter.
Character Blog: One of the first shows to feature character diaries on the show's official site. This allowed the fans to find out what the characters were doing during the Summer breaks. Occasionally the writers would use the diaries to hint at upcoming characters or storylines for the Fall season. During the Fall season, fans could also access e- mail conversations and online chats between the characters. Closet Key: Jack for Doug, although he had to, y'know, actually reach adulthood first.
Cool Old Guy: Mr. Brooks, a crotchety Yacht Club member who befriends Dawson (sort of) after he steals Brooks' boat. Cool Old Lady : Evelyn "Grams" Ryan. Dating Do- Si- Do: Joey dated all three of the main male characters, Dawson dated Jen and Joey twice each (and would have hooked up with Andie per Word of God), Pacey dated all four girls that were in the main cast (if his friends- with- benefits deal with Jen counts), and they were trying to hook up Jack and Jen in early Season 2 before he went for Joey. Deadpan Snarker: Mostly Pacey.
Joey has her moments too. Abby Morgan as well, she's arguably the biggest snarker.
Did Not Get the Girl: Dawson. Distant Finale : The finale took place five years after the previous episode. Dogged Nice Guy : Dawson perceives himself to be this.
Dumb and Drummer: Over the noise of a pool bar, Pacey approaches a blonde and tells her, "I'm drummer for Pearl Jam." She replies, "You're dumber than who?" He slinks away. Egocentrically Religious: Barbara Johns.
Engineered Public Confession. Enter Stage Window. I`Ll Follow You Down Online Putlocker'>I`Ll Follow You Down Online Putlocker. Fag Hag: Jen for Jack. Family of Choice: Jack is taken in by Jen's grandmother when he needs a place to live, even though she barely knows him. Watch Thumbsucker IMDB.
She and Jen treat him like family for the rest of the series. Fast Forward to Reunion: How the series ends. Femme Fatale : Eve, annoyingly so. Friends with Benefits: Pacey and Jen at some point, or at least they tried. Genki Girl : Andie, and in later seasons Audrey. Getting Crap Past the Radar : In Mr.
Peterson's English class, there's a huge word search on the bulletin board with the names of famous authors circled. Right across the top is Dickens. The three letters preceding it? B- I- G. Girl Next Door: Joey. Good Bad Girl: Jen. Gym Bunny: Jack, in the later seasons.
Has Two Daddies: Jack and Doug raise Jen's daughter Amy. Hetero Normative Crusader: Barbara Johns, Capeside High's resident battleaxe.
Hollywood Atheist: Subverted as Jen is a genuinely nice person. Hollywood Nerd: Joey Potter. Hot Scoop: Gale Leary. I Just Want to Be Normal: Poor Jack has trouble coming to terms with being gay. Though his various boyfriends make it abundantly clear that he's got it comparatively easy. Informed Ability: Dawson's directing skills. Although many of the show's plotlines revolve around Dawson's genius directing ability, what the audience primarily sees are rough or rejected projects.
However, we know he is talented because an unseen breakout film will land him an award or his final gig as a TV series director. Informed Attribute: Joey's "It"—beginning with the college years, Joey went from merely being seen as very pretty to an absolute knockout whom no heterosexual male in her vicinity could resist falling in love with. Ironic Echo: Joey's first breakup speech with Dawson and Gail's explanation of her affair to Mitch. Jerk Jock: Averted with Jen's boyfriends Cliff (Season 1) and Henry (Season 3), and Jack himself when he joined the school football team. Lampshade Hanging: This is done in a subtle and tragic way in the finale.
A dying Jen tells Jack that she felt like she never really fit in: "From the moment I stepped out of that cab and onto the creek, I was the instigator. The one who caused problems, rocked the creek and disrupted the delicate emotional balance of Capeside. Watch Evan`S Crime Streaming. And I don't want [her daughter] Amy to be that person. I want her to belong. I feel that I never really did." This was her pretty much exact role on the show at the beginning. Last- Name Basis: Pacey towards his girlfriends (Mc Phee and Potter).
Master of the Mixed Message: Dawson and Joey (to each other as well as their rebound dates). Missing Mom: Jack and Andie's mother made appearances early in the second season, but was later sent to live with relatives due to her mental instability and was seldom mentioned again. Joey's mom, who died of cancer before the series began. Jen's mother appears in two episodes, three seasons apart, played by different actresses. Mock Millionaire: In the episode "Kiss", Joey pretends to be wealthy to avoid looking like a small- town girl when she pursues a handsome stranger named Anderson.
Monochrome Casting: Aside from a few minority extras, the one of the only important black characters was the High School principal. Most Writers Are Adults: On purpose. Most Writers Are Male: lampshaded by Jen in The Longest Day. My Girl Is a Slut: Dawson's philandering mom. His father, Mitch, proposes an open marriage as the solution. Well, this is The WB. My Girl Is Not a Slut: Dawson had a hard time reconciling his near- angelic view of Jen with what he knew of her past in New York, which ultimately led to their breakup.
Odd Friendship: Joey and Audrey. Out of Focus: Jen's role in the series was diminished in the later seasons, with Michelle Williams even going from second to third billing.