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Using Tomato's QOS System. Background. The author has been involved in setting up Wi. Fi in several large residential blocks, where it was important that the result not only worked but was simple to maintain by reception staff. Tomato’s QOS system was used to ensure that trolls lurking in their caves downloading files did not bring the whole thing to a grinding halt, as was the case before I was given the job.
What was achieved has surprised many people here, including myself. Ever sat in an internet shop, a hotel room or lobby, a local hotspot, and wondered why you can't access your email? Unknown to you, the guy in the next room or at the next table is hogging the internet bandwidth to download the Lord Of The Rings Special Extended Edition in 1. HDTV format. You're screwed - because the hotspot router does not have an effective QOS system.
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In fact, I haven't come across a shop or an apartment block locally that has any QOS system in use at all. Most residents are not particularly happy with the service they [usually] pay for. If you are a single user, then you probably don't need QOS at all. Just reducing conntrack timeouts may perform miracles for you.
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Router “QOS”A "QOS" (Quality Of Service) system running on a SOHO router is best viewed as a firmware strategy used to give priority to those applications which are important. Without it, anarchy rules, and the downloader will usually wreck the internet access for everybody else. Many simple routers and unmanaged switches just forward traffic without looking at it and without doing anything special to it. Some switches and routers have several priority queues for network traffic (e. Tomato has 1. 0 - which are Highest, High, Medium, Low, Lowest, A, B, C, D, E).
These provide a basic kind of "Qo. S" by giving priority treatment to certain types of network traffic. However, anyone searching the web for "QOS" will find that in engineering circles, QOS means something quite different to our simple little router's so- called "QOS". There are methods which tag each packet with a code that can be read by hardware along the traffic route, from your PC to the guy at the other end of the link, to tell that hardware how quickly to send the traffic - what PRIORITY it has (assuming the hardware is configured to obey the codes). The idea being that all routers across the internet would recognize these tags and give priority to the marked traffic as needed. You can, for example, purchase little adapters which mark packets they send, such as the popular Linksys PAP2. These plug between an analog phone and an ethernet jack, allowing use of the phone for VOIP.
Traffic marked by these adapters will therefore [supposedly] give priority to your VOIP traffic as it traverses the internet. Vo. IP calls via SIP in fact consist of SIP traffic that set initially up the call, and RTP traffic that actually carries the voice.
Some devices can mark these two types of packets differently - so you could prioritise them differently if you had the hardware to do so. Sounds good, doesn’t it? There’s just one little problem – it doesn’t work.
For it to work all (or at least most) routers and switches across the internet have to take some notice of these tags – but sadly, they don’t. Even if they did, any ISP (or even user) could mark all of its traffic as high priority and then the whole thing is useless anyway. In fact, Windows 2. The simple “QOS System” as now used in the vast majority of SOHO routers does not mark traffic in this way and launch it on the internet in the hope that some benevolent genie will treat it nicely. We have to devise some other way to stop the pipe clogging up.
So the aim of this article will be to show you how this can be done. Since all that we can do, is therefore to process or condition traffic going OUT of our router, some myths have sprung up and arguments about “outgoing” and “incoming” QOS abound.
I would remind the reader that this is not “true” QOS and that you must view it as an overall strategy. Don’t think of it as “outgoing” or “incoming” QOS, or you will become confused very quickly. There are those who believe that we can only control what we send out from our router (the uplink) and cannot control our incoming traffic (downlink) at all. Sadly, there are a lot of such people especially in the various forums, disseminating misinformation and gloom, often with abuse thrown in for good measure when they can't get their own way. So I would ask you to please ignore those who insist that incoming data cannot be controlled at all and that QOS is therefore useless. By looking at the overall picture of what is going on in an environment where many different connections are made simultaneously, we can manipulate the things we do have control of to have an effect on things which would at first sight appear to be outside of our control. The way we control incoming traffic is by manipulating what our router sends, in order to influence our incoming traffic.
This can be more of an art than a science! QOS in operation – is it effective? I can best illustrate how effective Tomato’s QOS can be, by showing an example. A typical condominium block, with 2. ADSL internet connection, can all happily use the internet without being aware that they are actually sharing a common line. Ping times drop from 2. S or worse without QOS to 3.
S with some spikes when QOS is running. Since we have no control over what residents do with their machines, we have to ensure that the network runs well with anything that may be in use. This includes P2.
P, Mail, Webcams, IPTV, Messenger, Skype and VOIP, File transfers, You. Tube, - you name it – we have it on our networks. Don't take my word for it - look on the Linksysinfo forum and you will find quite a few hotel operators and community ISP's using Tomato QOS. Actually, for most residents, the most important thing is that WWW browsing is speedy and efficient.
Anything else is seen as less important. Of course the fanatical games players see it another way, but I have to cater for the majority first. VOIP isn’t seen as a top priority in our blocks, for obvious reasons, but it can and does work very well. So I leave it to you. Does router 'QOS" work?
I think you can see that it does. How well it actually works for you, will mostly depend on how much effort you put into understanding how to use it. A word here. Often, when people read this thread, they complain that their brain hurts - that it's too difficult. Well, anything worthwhile is worth learning, isn't it? Or are you one of those people who always expects someone else to do everything for them? If you are just too lazy to read a couple of pages and try to understand them, then you shouldn't expect your router's QOS to work properly. Boogeyman 3 Full Movie. Go watch TV. There have been a small but steady stream of whiners wanting simple explanations and simple setup.
My answer - you can find hundreds of simple explanations using Google. You can see how much thought has gone into them by looking at all of the figures neatly lined up - 1. Or 1. 00% - 9. 9% etc. Sometimes even everything set 1- 1. This clearly shows the author has not the slightest understanding of what he is doing. But yes, it's nice and simple.
Go figure …. To those who do genuinely want to learn and to do things for themselves, welcome, thanks for visiting this page, and good luck with your endeavors![1] Understanding what router QOS systems are and how they work. Let's begin by making some things a little clearer for newcomers to Tomato."Incoming" versus "Outgoing" QOSUnfortunately many posts on the subject of QOS confuse people, especially newcomers, into misunderstanding what the router's QOS is, what it is NOT, what it is used for, and what it can really achieve if understood and used properly.
Let's get this straight. There isn’t a “QOS for Uploads” and a “QOS for Downloads”.
This ongoing battle seems to arise from the fact that the QOS system operates on outgoing traffic.
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