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Press Emblem Campaign- JANUARY 2. SYRIE. Journaliste français tué en Syrie: la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) est consternée. Elle condamne dans les termes les plus vifs l'attentat qui a causé la mort de Gilles Jacquier et demande une enquête indépendante de l'ONU // SYRIA: the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) saddened by the death of French journalist Gilles Jacquier // SIRIA : La PEC consternada por asesinato de periodista francés (go to PEC NEWS, French, English, Arabic and Spanish, lire aussi sous PRESS)- JANUARY 2. SPECIAL REPORT ON LATIN AMERICA.
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PERIODISMO INDEPENDIENTE BAJO FUEGO CRUZADO EN LATINOAMERICA(see full report on PEC NEWS, SPANISH, summary in English)- DECEMBER 2. PEC report 2. 01. At least 1. 06 journalists killed in the course of the year // Rapport annuel de la PEC - Au moins 1. PEC Informe - Al menos 1. Click left on PEC NEWS for the report in English, French, Spanish and Arabic)- DECEMBER 2. SYRIA. THE PRESS EMBLEM CAMPAIGN (PEC) calls UN Human Rights Council to Insure the security of journalists during civil unrests in the Syrian Arab Republic // SYRIE.
La PRESSE EMBLEME CAMPAGNE (PEC) demande au Conseil des droits de l'homme d'assurer la sécurité des journalistes au cours des violences dans la République arabe syrienne // 1. Consejo de Derechos Humanos: la Campaña Emblema de Prensa pide Garantizar la seguridad de los periodistas durante la violencia en Siria (ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, click left on PEC NEWS)- NOVEMBER 2. PEC strongly condemns sexual assaults on women journalists in Egypt // La PEC condamne les agressions sexuelles contre des journalistes en Egypte (read on PEC NEWS and details on PRESS)- NOVEMBER 2. FIRST INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST IMPUNITY. THE PRESS EMBLEM CAMPAIGN (PEC) JOINED OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO CALL GOVERNMENTS TO PREVENT AND PUNISH VIOLENCE AGAINST JOURNALISTS(Read on page OTHER NEWS)- NOVEMBER 2.
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At least 1. 4 journalists injured in Egypt. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses solidarity with the Egyptian journalists and calls for an urgent independent enquiry // EGIPTO: PEC se solidariza con los periodistas egipcios y pide una investigación independiente (see PEC NEWS, English, Arabic, Spanish)- NOVEMBER 2. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the Vienna Expert Consultations on „Safety of Journalists: Towards a more effective international protection framework”(read on PEC NEWS, SEE ALSO PRESS)- OCTOBER 2.
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) heartily congratulates Yemeni journalist Tawakkol Karman for winning this year's Nobel Peace Prize. As an active woman journalist, Korman has achieved a dual victory by not only honoring the profession by being at the center of the struggle but also a woman leading the news of the day(read the full PEC statement on PEC NEWS, English, Arabic)- SEPTEMBER 2. PEC STATEMENT AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. So far, 7. 8 journalists killed in 2. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) alarmed by the deterioration in Latin America with 3.
Déclaration de la PEC au Conseil des droits de l'homme. 7. PEC alarmée par la détérioration en Amérique latine où 3. México se ha convertido en el país más peligroso del mundo para los periodistas, denunció hoy la ONG “Campaña Emblema de Prensa” en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU - la situación en general de la prensa en América Latina es inquietante, con 3. PEC NEWS)- SEPTEMBER 2. LIBYA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls the International Commission of Inquiry to consider pursuing its investigations into the fate of media professionals. The PEC calls upon the new transitional government in Libya to rapidly investigate in all the incidents that involved the killing, kidnapping and ambushing of journalists and to report to the International Commission(read on PEC NEWS the PEC statement at the Human Rights Council) (new journalists injured, see PRESS)- SEPTEMBER 2. PEC calls on the Human Rights Council to adopt a resolution which will allow the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to conduct a study that will document the grave violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms of journalists in the last 1.
PEC statement on PEC NEWS). Watch Hot Property Online Fandango there.