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Talk: Anonymous (film) - Wikipedia. Moved from the article[edit]The following material has been removed from the article. It belongs in an article on Oxfordian theory, as it is not about the film per se: Oxfordian material removed from article- - Softlavender (talk) 0. May 2. 01. 0 (UTC)"Incestuous" should be moved too.
Clandestine" might be better- -there was no kin relationship between Edward de Vere and Queen Elizabeth I (and almost certainly no physical relationship either, but the film is fantasy anyway). De. Aragon 2. 0: 2. May 2. 01. 1 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by Dearagon (talk • contribs)In the movie, de Vere is both Elizabeth's son and her lover. PDD 2. 1: 2. 9, 1. October 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Sources to cull to add to the article[edit]Please use the following sources to add to the article: Google News Search.
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Google Web Search- - Softlavender (talk) 0. May 2. 01. 0 (UTC)Section needs cutting or rewriting[edit]I was looking at it and started to make some copy edits to the "controversy" section. The section is so badly written it's almost incoherent and it contains an original argument also. If any other editors are monitoring this page, what do you think about deleting the section, since it doesn't say all that much about the movie that's not predictable to anyone who can fog a mirror? Otherwise it needs to be completely rewritten to at least a minimum of coherency and the OR deleted. Tom Reedy (talk) 1.
January 2. 01. 1 (UTC)I removed the section in its entirety. It is not directly related to the film, and we already have articles discussing the authorship.
- Iran Has Pivoted to Video. Tom McKay. 8/26/17 7:02pm. Filed to. They’re fascinating to watch. An upperclassman who had been researching terrorist groups online.".
- If running over a prostitute with a car weren't enough, "Grand Theft Auto V" players can now use a hatchet — and have sex with prostitutes.
- Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get.
Erik (talk contribs) 1. January 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Anonymous going after Anonymous?[edit]Some speculate the "Anonymous" cyber- anarchist protest group, of the recent SONY PSN megahack fame, is longing for a copy of this movie to celebrate themselves with an early leak, in their own namesake. The conspiracy main theme of the movie is also well aligned with Anonymous (and Wikileaks) interests, whose demography sees the world as one huge conspiracy of the powers that be, so the leak could serve their PR purposes. The fully digital nature of "Anonymous" movie's production makes e- intrusion and leak a very real risk and Babelberg studio is well advised to take all protective measures! May 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Apoplectic?[edit]Is there some reason why we replicate the italics in the Jacobi quote? Apoplectic" is not a foreign term, and using italics to indicate emphasis is not really standard journalistic practice.
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Could we either remove it or indicate that the itals are part of the original? Preceding unsigned comment added by Terceiro (talk • contribs) 1.
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Combatting the ISIS Foreign Fighter Pipeline: A Global. such as Zale Thompson’s hatchet attack on New York City police officers. Thomas F. Lynch III.
July 2. 01. 1 (UTC)I have no idea what you mean when you say that "using italics to indicate emphasis is not really standard journalistic practice". It is journalistic practice in this case, since that's how they appear in the article used as a source. We indicate that they are part of the original by the fact that we put it in quotation marks and link to the source. Paul B (talk) 1. 6: 1. July 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Historical errors section[edit]To my mind, the full listing of historical errors seems markedly like trivia. Trivia with a valid citation, but trivia nonetheless. I accept that the film's historical accuracy is worth questioning, despite the fact it is a work of fiction, as historical (in)accuracy is the point of the film.

But I argue that the article would be better served by culling a few of the main errors/tweaks and putting them into a narrative form. Enumerating every niggling detail is as unnecessary as listing the key grip or best boy. Gentleman. Ghost (talk) 2. October 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Check out WP: FILMHIST. I agree that the errors section is too trivial.
Erik (talk contribs) 0. October 2. 01. 1 (UTC).
Um, WP: FILMHIST just says the section would be better entitled 'Historical accuracy.' Both of you overlook what the article, in quotes, says. Namely, that the director of the film, and many of its actors, say that the history we have been given is a bunch of lies which he will expose, and yes, the truth will make you free of academia. In other words, it is unfortunately an integral part of the film's aesthetic intent to tell the 'real history', and that is why it is not 'trivial' but rather quite important to list those things which the director, after a decade of intensive study of the history, didn't get right.
The explicit intent of the producers is to go to the public and make case that scholars don't know the facts. A major scholar, formally invited to a showing, and jotted down a small list of patent errors. The list is only 'trivial' for those who are not familiar, understandably, with the obscure ideological fixations in the background. I've read many wiki film articles which outline technical errors, anachronisms, and there is therefore no reason to make an exception of this, esp. Nishidani (talk) 0.
October 2. 01. 1 (UTC). Nishidani, filmmakers take dramatic license with history. It is indiscriminate to list every detail that does not vibe with history. Is it not possible to write engaging prose about the film's historical accuracy? We cannot do that with a series of details like an event being set a few years off. A list of differences could be an external link instead.
Erik (talk contribs) 1. October 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Would it be possible to combine the "Pre- release debate", "Expectations", and "Historical accuracy" sections? We could have a key "Authorship" subsection and another subsection focusing on other aspects of the film's historical setting. If we could write some of the historical details in engaging prose instead of listing them, we could have two solid subsections. Erik (talk contribs) 1.
October 2. 01. 1 (UTC)Paul answered your first point, and I added another consideration below. Certainly Erik, about combining separate headers into one section, no problem with that. I separated them out because I'm threshing sources and sorting things out by theme, so that editors can then see how we can reknit this into an integral, sequentially cogent narrative. Nishidani (talk) 1.
October 2. 01. 1 (UTC). Yes, Eric, we all know that film- makers take dramatic license with history.
A few minor errors are not worth mentioning, but outright alteration of facts is. It's of interest, and such sections are found in many articles on books and films where they are relevant.
Is The Ten Muslim Nation Confederacy We See Forming To Fight Iran’s Expansion, Is The Same Ten Nation Confederacy Spoken By Daniel? By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)This war is no longer a war about Yemen, but a formation of a Sunni coalition they call it Al- Tahaluf Al- A’shari, literally the Ten Nation Confederacy which the media in English calls Ten Sunni- led Arab states. In response to U.
S. abandonment of Saudi Arabia and a response to Iran’s threat to the region, the Sunni Muslim world has risen to form a major unified force. The Coalition never informed the U.
S. of its actions in Yemen fearing the U. S. is flirting with Iran. Caricature of this new alliance is shown in the Arab media as a right- arm fist portruding out of the earth with the mark “There is No God But Allah and Muhammad Is His Messenger” the flag, badge and emblem of Islam stemming from Saudi Arabia. It is the pride of Muslims to mark their right arms and foreheads with the mark of Islam.
It also reminds of Daniel 4 which speaks of Babylon leaving the tree stump of its roots in the earth, bound with a band of iron and bronze while re- arising, not in ancient Babel in Iraq, but in Dumma, Kedar and Arabia as Isaiah 2. God’s final judgment “Babylon is fallen is fallen” (Isaiah 2.
Revelation 1. 8: 1- 2, Revelation 1. Iran will finally give it a death blow. Caricature of the new alliance shown in the Arab media as a right- arm fist portruding out of the earth with the mark “There is No God But Allah and Muhammad Is His Messenger” the flag, badge and emblem of Islam from Saudi Arabia. Photo of ten leaders in the coalition. One wonders is this what the Bible speaks of, the ten horns representing ten kings, and all is left, is an eleventh, a little horn which comes up among them who is the Antichrist (Daniel 7: 8, 1. One must admit, the temptation to make such declarations can arise as we see the events unfold on daily basis, but let the wise increase in patience which is the wisdom in not rushing to conclusion. The bronze nails in Daniel 7: 1. Grecian, not European entity.
And with its teeth of iron and its nails of bronze (Daniel 7: 1. And we have additions, foreign ministers from 2. Arab countries agreed to form a unified military force on Thursday, approving a draft resolution designed to counter growing security threats in the region. Is what we see a prelude to something greater, or if Erdogan of Turkey becomes more active in this confederacy, or if even this confederacy grows to be some fulfillment, is very interesting, but only time will tell. “Its nails of bronze” must be alluding to the correlation of the ten toes to the Grecian Empire. This is deduced because bronze as is accepted by biblical scholars represents Greece which today is Asia Minor. Revelation 1. Antichrist, the ruler over the entire fourth kingdom (Daniel 7: 8, 1. Ten leaders in the coalition.
The Council of the League of Arab States at the summit level meeting in Sharm El- Sheikh March 2. Egypt agreed a draft resolution on Thursday to form a unified military force, in a move aimed at countering growing regional security threats. The agreement came after warplanes from Saudi Arabia and Arab allies struck Shi’ite Muslim rebels in Yemen on Thursday, in an effort to check Iranian influence in their backyard without direct military backing from Washington. This major confederacy arose as result of US President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy increasingly relying on surrogates rather than direct US military involvement, a major cause for forming alliances of Sunni states to thwart Iran’s incursions.
The Middle East’s top oil power did not even inform the U. S. on its action in Yemen and only spoke to the U. S. just before Thursday’s unprecedented air strikes against Iran- allied Houthi rebels. Rare photo of the massive jet fighters from several Muslim states joining the efforts to fight in Yemen. Watch Lightning Jack 4Shared there. Adel al- Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, said “the concern was, if Aden falls, then what do you do?” al- Jubeir told a small group of reporters on Thursday. The concern was that the situation was so dire you had to move.” In other words, Saudi Arabia can no longer depend on US security umbrella that has long been the main thrust of Washington’s relations with the oil- rich kingdom.
And such concerns are not without merit, Riyadh has been growing increasingly assertive since early 2. Washington’s reluctance to back former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak in the face of mass protests led the Saudis to doubt its commitment to traditional Arab allies and especially after the worsening Yemen conflict forced Washington to evacuate all remaining US special forces from the country, further undermining the US campaign of drone strikes against the most lethal branch of al- Qaeda based there.
But the huge ramification is now quite clear, Mecca is what drives this ten nation confederacy in Yemen, is the latest front in a growing regional contest for power with Iran that is also playing out in Syria, where Tehran backs Assad’s government, and Iraq, where Iranian- backed Shiite militias are playing a major role in fighting.“The Arab … ministers agreed on adopting an important principle, which is forming the unified Arab military force. The task of the force will be rapid military intervention to deal with security threats to Arab nations,” Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby told reporters after the meeting, Reuters reported. And this confederacy, as it seems, means business. Al Arabiya reported a massive 1. Saudi ground troops have been mobilized along with fighter jets and naval units, as part of the move codenamed, “Operation Decisive Storm.” Egyptian TV reportedly said that the Arab League will coordinate with the chiefs of staff of the various Arab nations’ armies to organize the new Ten Nation Confederacy force within one month. Egyptian officials also announced that a ground invasion of Yemen will follow the airstrikes. This, including a naval blockade has been imposed by the Saudi ship Asifat Al- Hazm (Firm Storm) on a strait that connects the Red Sea to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, and provides passage to the Mediterranean Sea.
The strait is used by Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Yemen, Djibouti and Saudi Arabia, among other nations. Four Egyptian vessels were spotted en route to secure the Gulf of Aden, off the city where President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was based out of after leaving the capital city of Sanaa, and before being forced to flee the country.